From Joe Wilson's book the Politics of Truth:
"In August, 1992, I arrived in Libreville, the capital of Gabon as the newly minted ambassador...
...Gabon is best known internationally as the site of the leper hospital and mission of Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer, in Lamberene. The country sits astride the equator on the west coast of Africa. On the north side of the equator, water goes down the drains counterclockwise; on the south side, clockwise, and on the equator itself, straight down, a phenomenon easily tested by driving just an hour from Libreville. A mere flush of a toilet would tell you which hemisphere you were in - that is, if you could find a proper flush toilet in the lightly populated nation."
Can John help verify the direction of the flush in the southern hemisphere? I am very skeptical. Doesn't it just depend on the toilet itself?
I wish my toilet looked that good.
I'm heading to the bathroom right now to investigate these curious claims.
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