Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tidds in Barbados

After a delightful and relaxing California Christmas we put the girls on a plane to Boston (where a 2nd Christmas awaited them) and, following some rather inconvenient and uncomfortable travel delays, we packed Lachlan on another plane and headed south. We arrived in Barbados a day late, Lachlan and myself laden with colds of the sniffling sneezing coughing aching stuffy head fever so you can't rest variety, despite which we had a wonderful few days of warm weather. Here are some photos:

1. Lachlan ready for action in his certified "Sun and Food Particle Resistant" body suit

2. Diana and Lachlan at the beach on the West Coast.

3. Lachlan investigates the ocean for the first time, the only time he needed any encouragement.

4. Diana and Lachlan at the cliffs on the North Coast.

5. Peering over the edge. The spray can shoot 50 feet on a calm day.

6. Lachlan and Dada at the wildlife preserve. What do you see, Lachlan?

7. I don't know, Dad. What is it?
Don't look at me, Lachie, I haven't the foggiest idea.

8. We saw lots of turtles, many laying in the path, and a monster python (not shown, not laying in the path)

9. And we saw lots and lots of monkeys. They roam free on the preserve and were jumping on the hood of the car, running around underfoot, and generally acting like aggressive squirrels. Except for the grooming, I haven't seen squirrels scratch each others backs like this.

10. Probably better if you stay up high, Lachlan. Most of these critters are bigger than you.

11. On Sunday we drove over to the East Coast, directly on the Atlantic. The undertow is too strong for swimming, but its a hot international surfing spot.

12. Despite the rigors of babysitting, we did enjoy a nice meal or two. This is the view from Sunday Brunch at the Atlantic Hotel, on the East Coast.

We spent the last day/night on the South Coast, probably the most relaxing of all (we had a babysitter, go figure) to the point that we took no pictures. We flew home feeling spoiled, hoping we'll go back again someday.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I like the blue tones in all of those pictures. It is a good reminder that that we will make it through the winter. Great trip, so happy that the NYC Tidds got some vacation time. The NL Anguses/Tidds want to come with you next time. That sounds so relaxing, I know. Hee, hee.